Thursday, May 10, 2018

Short Term, Long Life

My name is Cassandra, I am a 100% service-connected disabled Army veteran, wife, and mother to five boys all under the age of 13! It sounds like a lot but believe me when I say – this is only the beginning.

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2012 which rapidly transformed to Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis or SPMS. I have lost the ability to see, walk, talk, drive a car. The list goes on. But the kicker of all of these is that there is a tiny piece of bone making its way into my cervical canal giving me a life span of anywhere between 5 to 8.7 years. I am 31 years old currently.
With this news I did the only thing I could think of… eat as much chocolate as I possibly could! #truth #chocolateISlife


Start preparing my family for a day without me, Mom. You know, the one that works behind the scene tirelessly day and night because of love. I realize that without my income my family would not be able to keep the lifestyle that we have which isn’t anything special mind you. But its enough to fight for. Thus, TheWaller was born. My new online business. I want to focus on what I believe is most important in life – To help you UNBLOCK YOURSELF and finally gain Spirituality, Wellness, and Financial Freedom. There is a lot of stigmatism in regards to money. Some feel that in order to be spiritual you cannot have money. I am here to tell you that THIS IS NOT TRUE! We were not made to work every day of our life struggling and not spending it with family. Life is to short my friends.  I have a deadline (LMAO) that I have to meet in order to make my family financial stable for the rest of their life on autopilot without them ever having to do anything. So.. Here I am! Working a few hours a day with little effort on my part to build a family Legacy!!! It’s been 30 days since I began this journey. I still have not made any sort of income but I remain confident and determined!

Cassandra W.
The Waller, CEO

Take a look at why I became a member of InfinityTrafficBoost...

Take a look at why I became a member of InfinityTrafficBoost...